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Gerald Herrmanns Artwork zum sensationellen Doppelsieg von Lechner Racing beim 300. Porschecup-Rennen 2021.


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  • Kommentar-Link Donnerstag, 28 Juli 2022 07:31 gepostet von

    I could not resist commenting. Well written!

  • Kommentar-Link Mittwoch, 27 Juli 2022 05:42 gepostet von

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  • Kommentar-Link Sonntag, 24 Juli 2022 17:14 gepostet von dott debora rasio reduslim

    Se ve la sentite: Gli studi hanno dimostrato che uno dei modi più efficaci per mantenere la perdita di peso
    è impostare le sessioni di esercizio in modo che avvengano
    naturalmente alla stessa ora ogni giorno.

    Uno dei motivi principali per cui le persone tendono a ricadere è che l'esercizio fisico non è "programmato"", afferma il dottor Steven Blair, professore di medicina di famiglia all'Università della California, Davis, e autore di "The Real Diet".

    Volete diventare più forti? Ascoltate la musica mentre fate esercizio. Una revisione di oltre 20 studi pubblicata nel gennaio 2019 sulla rivista Medicine ha rilevato che qualsiasi tipo di musica funziona come efficace distrazione dal dolore.

    Gli studi hanno anche dimostrato che le persone hanno maggiori probabilità di fare esercizio regolarmente se scelgono il momento e il luogo in cui farlo con la stessa regolarità. Quindi, se state cercando di alzarvi dal divano, provate a pensare alle vostre sessioni di esercizio come a un modo per mettervi in movimento. Per uno sguardo più approfondito su come l'esercizio in un determinato luogo o momento della giornata possa essere più efficace, date un'occhiata alla nostra guida alla programmazione dell'esercizio.

    Volete rendere la vostra pesata ancora più accurata? Pensate alla vostra perdita di peso come a una maratona, non a uno sprint. La bilancia può essere un indicatore approssimativo della perdita di peso, ma non è esattamente una misura perfetta, soprattutto quando si tratta di una perdita di peso cronica, dice Blair.

    Ciò significa che quando si perde peso, è probabile che ci si pesi regolarmente per assicurarsi di essere in linea con l'obiettivo.

    Modi semplici per perdere peso

    Se state cercando di riprendere la vostra perdita di peso, è importante che anche in questo periodo riusciate a mangiare in modo sano. Quindi, se vi prendete una pausa dalla vostra routine quotidiana, potrebbe essere più facile ricorrere a cibi naturalmente ricchi di calorie, come gli zuccheri raffinati, i latticini e i cibi elaborati, dice Blair.

    "Limitarsi riduce solo la possibilità di abbuffarsi", aggiunge. "È ancora possibile consumare un pasto ad alta densità
    calorica se lo si fa a un orario regolare, come le tre del pomeriggio".

    "La restrizione riduce solo la possibilità di avere un'abbuffata". -Dott. Steven Blair

    Gli studi hanno dimostrato che il modo migliore per pensare alla perdita di peso come a una gara è quello di percorrerla in un arco di tempo

  • Kommentar-Link Sonntag, 24 Juli 2022 10:43 gepostet von reduslim τιμη skroutz

    "Νιώθω ότι κάθε φορά που ανεβαίνω στη ζυγαριά, έχω το ίδιο αποτέλεσμα: Μεγάλη απώλεια βάρους, η οποία οδηγεί σε άγχος για το τι βάρος θα έπρεπε να έχω", λέει η Heller.
    "Δεν είμαι βαριά, αλλά έχω μέγεθος 26 - και κανείς δεν θέλει να έχει μέγεθος 26".

    Έτσι, η προσέγγιση της Heller για την απώλεια βάρους;
    Αλλαγή του τρόπου με τον οποίο σκέφτεται για το φαγητό.

    "Γυμνάζομαι ενώ τρώω. Επιλέγω ένα γεύμα που συνάδει με την ποσότητα της δραστηριότητας που είχα εκείνη την ημέρα",
    λέει η Heller. "Αποφεύγω επίσης την καταμέτρηση θερμίδων και ζυγίζομαι κάθε μέρα".

    Πόσο χρονών ήσασταν όταν παρατηρήσατε για πρώτη φορά ότι είχατε πάρει κιλά; Δεν πειράζει
    να παραδεχτείτε ότι ήσασταν λίγο παχουλός όταν ήσασταν
    παιδί, αλλά είναι σημαντικό να ξέρετε πότε αρχίσατε να αφήνετε τον εαυτό σας
    και να έχετε επίγνωση του πώς αυτό επηρεάζει τη ζωή σας.

    Μόλις το κάνετε αυτό, είναι καλή ιδέα να σκεφτείτε πώς μπορείτε να εργαστείτε για να αλλάξετε τις συνήθειές σας.

    Δεν χρειάζεται να είστε τέλειοι για να επιτύχετε επιτυχημένη απώλεια βάρους.
    Αν δεν είστε, δεν πειράζει! Τούτου λεχθέντος, υπάρχουν
    μερικές μικρές αλλαγές που μπορείτε να κάνετε στον τρόπο ζωής σας για να σας βοηθήσουν να φτάσετε στο βάρος-στόχο σας.

    "Ανεξάρτητα από το πού βρίσκεστε τώρα, μπορείτε να κάνετε κάποιες προσαρμογές για να είστε πιο επιτυχημένοι", λέει ο Heller.
    "Αν μόλις αρχίζετε να εστιάζετε στην απώλεια βάρους, ξεκινήστε κόβοντας τις τροφές που σας δημιουργούν τα περισσότερα προβλήματα - όπως τα ντόνατς, το ψωμί και η πίτσα. Αν πλησιάζετε στο στόχο σας, μπορεί να σας βοηθήσει να αφήσετε μερικές τροφές από τη διατροφή σας".

    Τι πρέπει λοιπόν να κόψετε για να
    γίνετε πιο αδύνατοι; Ας δούμε τις 10 κορυφαίες τροφές που μπορεί να σας εμποδίζουν από το να αποκτήσετε αυτό το καλά κερδισμένο six-pack.

    Οι 10 κορυφαίες τροφές για την απώλεια βάρους

    1. Ψωμί

    Όπως αποδεικνύεται, μπορεί να μην υπάρχουν πολλά να κερδίσετε από αυτό,
    σύμφωνα με έρευνα που δημοσιεύτηκε τον Ιούνιο του 2019 στο American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

    Οι ερευνητές του Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute διαπίστωσαν ότι οι άνδρες
    και οι γυναίκες που έτρωγαν υγιεινά και υγιεινά και κατανάλωναν καθημερινά μια ουγκιά
    ψωμί ολικής άλεσης κατανάλωναν περίπου την ίδια ποσότητα θερμίδων σε τρεις ημέρες με εκείνους που έτρωγαν

  • Kommentar-Link Dienstag, 19 Juli 2022 20:30 gepostet von reduslim cena

    Než se pustíme do tipů, nabízíme vám rychlý bonus: Přečtěte si znovu nadpis tohoto článku.

    Proč? Protože pokud jste alespoň trochu obeznámeni s historií hubnoucího průmyslu, víte, že je
    tu už celé věky. Ve skutečnosti několik nejznámějších knih o dietách, které inspirovaly
    nedávné módní diety, pochází ze 70.
    let minulého století.

    Je snadné pochopit, že v současném prostředí dietních rad může časově
    omezený přístup k hubnutí působit poněkud tristně.
    Podívejme se však blíže na vědecké poznatky, které za tímto tipem stojí.

    Studie publikovaná v časopise Obesity zjistila,
    že důsledné cvičení v určitou dobu každý den vám může pomoci úspěšně udržet hubnutí.

    Rychle, jmenujte nějaký významný dietní výstřelek ze 70.
    let 20. století. Je pravděpodobné, že se vám
    nevybaví Banting, Weight Watchers nebo grapefruitová dieta.
    Místo toho si možná vzpomenete na desítky let starou popularitu melounové diety, grapefruitové diety nebo diety s grapefruitovým džusem.
    Podobné módní diety byly populární v 70.
    letech minulého století a pravděpodobně znáte myšlenky,
    které za nimi stály: Pokud tedy potřebujete shodit kila,
    kombinujte redukci jídla se zdravým tréninkovým
    režimem. Navzdory své popularitě se však tyto diety
    setkaly i s kritikou.

    Grapefruitová dieta, módní dieta ze 70. let 20. století, spočívá v konzumaci grapefruitů a pití velkého množství vody.

    Vědci zabývající se obezitou Spencer C. Hall a Ira Katz publikovali v roce 1980 práci, ve které zjistili, že lidé, kteří dodržovali specifický plán cvičení a
    omezení stravy, zhubli během 30 dnů více než
    lidé, kteří stejný plán nedodržovali.

    Jak Hallett (který byl prvním autorem této práce) vysvětlil v rozhovoru pro The NewsHour v
    roce 2008: "Viděli jste kuličky na dně sklenice vody, že? No, řekněme, že ty kuličky představují kalorie, které přijímáte. Když je dáte do misky s ovocem, uvidíte, že vitaminy, minerály a voda zaplní sklenici tak, že vypadá plná. Teprve když do ní vložíte speciální kapky na cvičení, uvidíte, že kuličky skutečně zmizí."

    V rámci studie se lidé, kteří se řídili

  • Kommentar-Link Dienstag, 12 Juli 2022 00:47 gepostet von reduslim bg mamma

    Проучването е насочено към възрастни със затлъстяване и наднормено тегло, които са участвали в
    програма за отслабване. В проучването участниците
    са били посъветвани да правят упражнения в продължение на 45 минути три
    до пет пъти седмично. Казано им е било първо да правят упражненията в постоянно
    време всеки ден и им е бил даден крачкомер за проследяване на ежедневната
    им активност.

    Участниците в проучването са били посъветвани също да се хранят по начин,
    който ограничава дневния им
    прием на калории до 1200-1500 калории.
    А ако все пак надхвърлят 1500 калории, им било казано да ядат с 300 калории по-малко, отколкото обикновено.

    На някои от участниците в проучването е било казано да правят упражнения в произволно време през деня и да не
    броят времето за упражнения. На
    други пък било казано да спазват
    редовното си време за упражнения, но да броят времето както обикновено.

    Въпреки че всички участници, които са
    следвали този протокол, са загубили средно 8 % от телесното си
    тегло след 12 седмици, изследователският екип е установил,
    че тези, които са се упражнявали
    в постоянно време всеки ден, са
    загубили малко повече тегло от тези, които са правили случайни почивки за упражнения или изобщо не са
    отчитали времето си.

    Изследователите твърдят, че упражненията в постоянно време са по-важни от просто редовните упражнения
    и че в някои случаи пропускането на сесия
    за упражнения може да бъде също толкова вредно за загубата на тегло, колкото и упражненията в произволно
    Каква е вашата тайна за отслабване?

    Спазвате ли модни диети или
    сте по-стриктни по отношение
    на хранителния си режим?

    Експертите казват, че трябва да съчетаете
    и двете.

    "Ключът към отслабването е редовният режим на хранене",
    казва Кони Дикман, старши изследовател в
    областта на здравето и храненето в университета Дюк в Дърам,
    Северна Каролина. "Не можете да компенсирате пропуснатото хранене с повече упражнения", казва Дикман.

    "Така че това, от което наистина се нуждаете, е по-гъвкав план."

    Експертите казват, че за да се сдобиете с редовен план за хранене,
    първо трябва да определите къде се затруднявате с разсейването по време на хранене.
    Например, толкова ли е хаотичен
    денят ви? "Това не означава, че никога не трябва да се храните навън", казва
    Дикман. "Но трябва да сте разумни по отношение на това кога се храните и кога приемате здравословни храни."

    Ще ви е необходим и гъвкав план, ако не винаги можете да
    стигнете до фитнеса, казва Брук Кастило, сертифициран личен треньор и основател на
    фитнес студио 308Fit в Лос Анджелис.

    "Ако пропускате тренировката си,

  • Kommentar-Link Sonntag, 10 Juli 2022 06:06 gepostet von

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  • Kommentar-Link Dienstag, 05 Juli 2022 23:20 gepostet von reduslim kapseln

    id="article-body" class="row" section="article-body" data-component="trackCWV">

    This story is part of Gift Guide, our year-round collection of the best
    gift ideas.

    Black Friday is underway with some amazing deals on Apple Watch SE, Google Pixel 6 and
    Bose headphones. Well, these are not the only products
    taking advantage of huge discounts, there are a slew of products on sale today.

    Here are about a dozen of them that you can't miss.

    Cyber Monday 2021

    Best Cyber Monday deals still available

    Great wireless headphone deals still available after Cyber Monday

    With so many deals being available, it may be hard to know exactly where to
    start. Don't worry -- we've parsed through all of the sales circulars to bring you only the best Black Friday deals.
    There's really no better time to start shopping than now.

    If you have some holiday shopping left to complete, be sure
    to check out these great Black Friday deals that are
    $25 and under which are available to buy now. It's worth
    noting that not all of the deals below are available right now, but we know that they will be coming this
    week so be sure to stay tuned to CNET for more information as it becomes available.


    If you're looking for the most affordable Apple
    Watch that's actually worth buying this holiday season, it's the Apple Watch SE.
    Sure, you can grab the Series 3 for less, but it's really old and honestly not worth it at this point.
    Best Buy has both the 40 and 44mm options in stock, and we anticipate other retailers joining in on this discount
    (but not Apple directly).

    $219 at Best Buy

    Sarah Tew/CNET

    Roku Streaming Stick 4K: $29 (available now)

    Save $21

    While we may not see a bunch of cheap TVs this Black Friday, we
    are seeing a lot of great streaming stick deals. Roku's Streaming Stick 4K gives
    you nearly instant access to your favorite streaming apps,
    voice control and much more. At this discounted price,
    you may want to pick up a couple so you have one to use on each TV at home.

    $29 at Amazon

    David Carnoy/CNET

    Bose QuietComfort 45 Headphones: $279 (available now)

    Save $50

    These are the replacement of the popular Bose QuietComfort 35
    II that ranked among the best noise-canceling Bluetooth headphones for years.
    With the QuietComfort 45 you have longer battery life, USB-C charging and more.

    $279 at Amazon

    Mark Licea/CNET

    It wasn't that long ago that the Ring Fit Adventure was as hard to get as
    the PS5 is right now, so to see a Black Friday sale on it is quite impressive.
    This tracks as the lowest price we've seen it go for, so whether you need one for yourself or to give as a gift,
    you won't want to miss out on this discount.

    $55 at Target

    Mint Mobile

    No one wants to spend a lot for mobile service, right? This
    deal from Mint Mobile scores you three months of free service when you buy three months,
    meaning you can get six whole months of service with 4GB of
    data each month for just $45. There are other plans with
    more data, should you need it, so be sure to check them all out and make the
    switch today. Mint works on T-Mobile's GSM network, so almost all
    unlocked phones should work with it.

    $45 at Mint Mobile

    David Carnoy/CNET

    AirPods 3: $155

    Save $24

    Amazon has Apple's newest AirPods, the AirPods 3 on sale for just $150 right now, which
    is $24 less than the Apple Store and other retailers. 

    Read our AirPods 3 review.


    $150 at Amazon


    class=\u0022 lazy\u0022

    website #listicle-b8298133-7bb8-47ae-8b7f-c082925aa469 .itemImage"}}' rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">


    Garmin 245 Music: $250 (available now)

    Save $100

    There are a lot of smartwatches and fitness trackers on the market, but most of them make you decide which part of the experience is more important. Garmin does a nice job of balancing the two by providing accurate fitness tracking with key smartwatch features, including music integration with Spotify and other services.

    $250 at REI


    Google Pixel 6: $499

    Save $100

    Finding a Pixel 6 right now is not an easy task, so to imagine one being on sale for Black Friday seems a bit surreal. BestBuy is offering $100 off the unlocked Pixel 6 during Black Friday, but we'd imagine that inventory will be pretty low for this, so you'll need to act quick once you see it on sale.

    $499 at Target


    We won't see as many really cheap TV deals this year as we have in previous years for a few reasons, but we are starting to see some really large TVs at truly affordable prices. The Onn smart TV runs Roku's OS, giving you quick access to your favorite streaming services, has a 4K LED panel and much more. We haven't reviewed this particular model, but Roku is our favorite TV operating system, making this a great price for a huge TV.

    $398 at Walmart


    This kit includes Razer's Cynosa Lite, Gigantus V2 L, Death Adder Essential and Black Shark V2 X, which are a mouse, keyboard, headset and mousepad. If you're looking to set up a new gaming rig or need to upgrade your current one, this bundle is one you definitely should consider.

    $79 at Walmart


    Robot vacuums are one of my favorite smart home additions, but more often than not I forget to empty the bin and then it doesn't run the following morning. This one has a self emptying container so that won't happen (until you forget to empty the big bin), along with all of the other great features that we've come to expect from the .

    $349 at Walmart

    Find The Perfect Gift

    Under $50Under $100Under $250Under $500All


    107 results

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    The Mirror

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    Dell G15

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    HP Pavilion Aero 13

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    Vizio MQ7 65-inch

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    MacBook Air M1

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    iPhone 13 Pro

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    TCL Series 4 TV 65-inch

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    iPad Mini 2021

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    Sony PlayStation 5

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    iPhone 11

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    $499 at Amazon

    Apple Watch Series 7

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    Nintendo Switch OLED

    $350 at Target

    Apple iPad 2021 (9th generation)

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    Carrie Hoffman X studs earrings

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    Apple Watch SE

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    Sony WF-1000XM4

    $250 at Walmart

    Aarke water carbonator

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    $199 at Amazon


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    Atlas Tea Club

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    $165 at Our Place

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    Bose SoundLink Flex

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    Keurig K-Slim Coffee Maker

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    $50 at Crown & Paw

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">

    Nintendo eShop Gift Card

    website Arctis 1 (PC)","formatType":"BUTTON","location":
    "LIST","position":57,"dwLinkTag":"article-body|gift_finder|button"}}' rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">

    SteelSeries Arctis 1

    $50 at Amazon

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">

    Lunya Silk Sleep Mask

    $47 at Amazon

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">
    $47 at Amazon


    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">

    Biolite TraveLight 135

    $40 at

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">
    $40 at Biolite

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">

    Blockaroo Blocks

    $40 at Trade

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">
    $40 at Trade

    Roku Express 4K Plus

    $39 at Amazon


    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">

    Flavored Truffle Gift Box

    $38 at La Maison du Chocolat

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">
    $38 at La Maison du Chocolat

    Max Brenner chocolates

    $37 at Max Brenner


    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">

    Parks Project Candle

    $36 at Parks

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">
    $36 at Parks Project

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">

    ThisWorx Portable Car Vacuum Cleaner

    $35 at

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">
    $35 at


    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">

    Hydro Flask

    $35 at Hyrdo Flask

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">
    $35 at Hyrdo Flask

    Five S Kneading Massager

    website - Smart Clock with Google Assistant - Charcoal","formatType":"BUTTON","location":
    "LIST","position":72,"dwLinkTag":"article-body|gift_finder|button"}}' rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">

    Lenovo Smart Clock

    $35 at Best Buy

    Gloomhaven: Jaws of The Lion Board Game

    $30 at Amazon

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">
    $30 at Amazon

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">

    A delivery of fresh pasta

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">
    $20 at Amazon


    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">

    Nixplay smart digital photo frame

    $20 at CB2

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">
    $20 at CB2

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">

    Lodge Cast-Iron Grill Pan

    $19 at Amazon

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">
    $19 at Amazon

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">

    Italian olivewood serving board

    $16 at

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">
    $16 at

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">


    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">

    $12 at Uncommon Goods

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">
    $12 at Uncommon Goods

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">

    Fox in the Forest

    State cashmere blanket throw blanket

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">

    See at Amazon

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">
    See at Amazon

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">

    Mario Badescu face spray set

    See at Amazon

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">
    See at Amazon


    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">

    Online cooking classes

    See at Online Cooking School

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">
    See at Online Cooking School

    Washable Silk Tee & Shorts

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">

    See at Ulta

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">
    See at Ulta

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">

    60 Hour Candle

    "BUTTON","location":"LIST","position":99,"dwLinkTag":"article-body|gift_finder|button"}}' rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">

    Mint & Lily Mama necklace

    See at Mint & Lily

    Sephora gift card

    "","formatType":"BUTTON","location":"LIST","position":101,"dwLinkTag":"article-body|gift_finder|button"}}' rel="noopener" target="_blank">

    Google Nest Hub

    See at Google

    Theragun Prime

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">
    See at Mixbook

    Tiki fire pit

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">

    See at Dyson

    website rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">
    See at Dyson

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